5 Attractive Reasons To Choose Magnetic Filtration For Long Lasting Machinery

Shane Enriguez
3 min readMay 25, 2021


When it comes to heavy industrial machinery cleanliness isn’t a high priority because it makes your machinery look pretty. It’s the top priority because it keeps your machinery running longer, better, and more efficiently.

In the past mechanical filtration was often the only option, magnetic systems were too expensive or just not technologically advanced enough yet. That’s no longer the case though, especially when it comes to energy production and heavy mining.

Here are 5 compelling reasons to make the switch to magnetic filtration for your heavy equipment.

The Cleanest Oil

Keeping your oil clean is the key to machine reliability. Most analysts agree that as much as 90% of particles mucking up machinery oil is ferrous iron and steel. That makes them a serious problem for proper lubrication, but it also means they’re easy to pick up with magnetic filtration.

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Advances in magnetic filtration have enabled them to catch extremely small particles that manual filtration can often miss. Radial magnetic designs can catch ferrous and non-ferrous particles down to 4 microns.

Sustainability Is On Everyone’s Mind

The coolest thing about magnetic filtration is that you’re not constantly throwing out and replacing costly filters. Magnetic filters are easily cleanable and reusable which greatly reduces not only their cost but also their environmental impact.

Captures The Non-Magnetic Particles As Well

Many people hear magnetic filtration and think that it’s only good for ferrous materials. This just isn’t true. Due to physical interactions with other particles and surfaces, all particulates become electrostatically charged. This happens on a molecular level and allows for up to 70% of materials filtered to be non-ferrous.

Predict Machine Failure

When the magnetic filters are removed for cleaning everything they’ve picked up since the last inspection is easily visible. This allows for easy monitoring of equipment based on the materials that are being filtered.

If the filters are more contaminated than usual it usually indicates equipment failure of some kind. By analyzing exactly what materials are being filtered it’s possible to determine which part of the machinery is suffering degradation.

Magnetic filtration has come a long way in the past few decades. Thanks to the work of dedicated engineers it’s become a mainstay for serious contenders in the fields of energy production and heavy mining, and increased the lifetimes of countless pieces of heavy machinery.

If you’re looking to keep your equipment in peak condition, magnetic filtration is definitely worth looking into. While the initial start-up can seem an expensive investment, the long-term savings from extending the lifetime of your equipment will be worth it. A good provider will often allow lease options so you can get an idea of how magnetic filtration can improve your equipment.

Heavy equipment is expensive, but with proper care, you can easily extend its lifetime by a decade or more.



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