Are You An Army Veteran Looking For A Change Of Career? Grow Your Business With These 3 Tips

Shane Enriguez
3 min readNov 20, 2020


Are You An Army Veteran Looking For A Change Of Career? Grow Your Business With These 3 Tips

We’ve seen it on many TV shows, and we’ve probably read it in a few books too, but through the fog of fiction, there is one glaring truth — it’s not easy to find another career path after having served in the army!

Most Vets have been in the army since their late teens. And they have become accustomed to the rigor that the call of duty requires. This makes it near impossible for them to transition from such an active lifestyle into one that is repetitive and mundane.

Photo by Medienstürmer on Unsplash

Another thing to consider is the fact that they now have to spend time studying so they can be competent in the fields they want to do business in.

Due to the pandemic and the shift that the marketplace is experiencing, they would now need to adapt to new marketing methods to allow their business to be visible. With the average veteran being 58 years old, it’s not very practical to expect them to be able to understand digital marketing as easily as a young adult who’s basically grown up with the internet.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

With all those odds stacked against you, here are three tips that can help.

Network with successful veteran-run businesses

There is a sense of brotherhood that is understood by veterans — especially after they share their war stories. They know what it feels like to start over and should be able to help you navigate in your respective field.

The core of every business community is networking. Networking allows you to connect with resources and get opportunities faster. Having fellow veterans on your side is a huge plus!

Hire a veteran-run marketing team

As stated before, marketing has changed! Digital marketing that was once a niche is now the most crucial form of marketing. People aren’t traveling as they used to, and therefore putting up billboards isn’t going to cut it anymore. You need expert content creation and SEO marketing customized to your needs!

And you know what they say about birds of a feather, right? So it only makes sense that a veteran-run digital marketing company can help you identify your needs and help you fulfill them.

Get high-profile clients

If you’re not interested in the monotony of the business process, getting high-profile clients can fix that. High profile clients can provide a large revenue source for your business. When you land a high-profile client, you also land their associates and friends.

All that is needed is for you to do an excellent job so that they can recommend you to the people around them. This takes the stress of marketing out of the way and gives you a chance to focus on fewer clients and earn more than what you need.

The above are just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more that you can do. If you need help connecting the dots, McWel Media can help!



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