These 4 Simple Tips Help You Deal With Your Anxiety And Depression
Anxiety and depression are serious mental disorders. What’s amazing is that people have been suffering from these ailments for years, and nobody could identify them.
For decades society didn’t know how to respond to someone with anxiety and depression. They labelled these individuals as “troubled” and in need of spiritual intervention.
In the Caribbean, people deemed depression to be a form of weakness and discontentment. They couldn’t fathom it being an illness.
Additionally, Doctors could only treat the signs of sweating and insomnia but could never identify the root cause until recent years.
Fortunately, the DSM series was discovered. This series identified and classified groups of mental disorders. It gave doctors a better understanding of what signs and symptoms constitute a mental disorder. It also made treatment easier to administer.
However, for a long time, people have been reluctant to accept anxiety, depression, or any other disorder as a diagnosis. And this has led to many cases of suicide.
Studies show that if patients sought help early, they could get the treatment needed to alleviate themselves from the grip of mental illness. The following 4 tips can also help.
Practice deep breathing exercises
Deep breathing exercises are a proven way to help people stay calm. If you’re feeling anxious or depressed, breathing in and out for 4 counts can help. Deep breathing evens out your heart rate and helps to clear your mind.
Use aromatherapy
Regardless of the form, aromatherapy is effective. Lavender, Chamomile, and Sandalwood are some of the most soothing scents. Aromatherapy activates receptors in the brain that helps to ease your mind and clear your thoughts.
Write your thoughts down
Sometimes writing your thoughts down is all you need to calm your anxious mind. It gets the thoughts out of your head and makes your reality less daunting.
Do yoga and exercise
Instead of meddling with your thoughts, you can occupy your time doing some simple exercises or yoga. Going for a 15-minute walk or riding a bike may help.
These tips should only be used on a short term basis. For effective treatment, you should visit a doctor or seek help from a therapist.
Alternatively, there is literature that has been approved by experienced professionals that can help you understand your illness better.
If you’re interested in that kind of resource, ZEN JUNGLE: The Holistic Masterclass in how to Truly LOVE LIFE is a great read.