This Cleaning Service Does The 1 Thing That Others Don’t To Ensure The Safety Of Your Customers!

Shane Enriguez
3 min readJun 12, 2020


I had to check them out for myself. Many cleaning service providers promise you gold and all they ever deliver is copper. I couldn’t afford for that to happen so I gave them a call.

I was pleasantly surprised at all the services they had to offer!

The guy I spoke to over the phone gave me the breakdown of all their packages. He even offered a customized package that would be based on my business needs. So I had to ask him about that 1 thing that their company was doing that others weren’t.

He told me that they were retraining all their staff, re-working all their policies and buying brand new equipment to comply with all the CDC requirements. For a moment I wasn’t sure what that really meant so I kept asking some more questions until I got the jest of it.

Photo by Adli Wahid on Unsplash

What I discovered is that unlike other cleaning services, they are willing to throw away their old equipment and old policies just to provide you with the most sanitized environment on the planet!

Okay, so maybe “the most sanitized environment on the planet” is a bit of a stretch but they are strictly CDC compliant!

I checked their website Executive Cleaning Services, LLC and I found a quote from the owner Ayxsa Moss who said, “We have not only had to retrain staff because of CDC compliance guidelines, but also had to upgrade equipment and products to better serve our customers”

I also saw that they are offering no-contact estimates and hold their staff to strict guidelines.

They have two types of sprayers that can sanitize the air in a room! That’s their fogging and electrostatic sprayers. I’m not sure how they work but I thought it was cool that they had something like that. I had never heard of that before.

The guy gave me a list of safety measures that their staff would take:

  1. Thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting all infected materials
  2. Properly disposing of contaminated materials
  3. Fully encapsulated personal protective equipment (PPE) and full-face respirator masks worn at all times
  4. Touch-free, social distant estimates.
  5. Stringent germ & virus sanitation of equipment, trucks and waste storage areas
  6. Strict no-sick policy for our cleaning staff
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Right now they are offering upgraded commercial cleaning services for a one-time deep cleaning before your business re-opening and also daily, weekly, or monthly janitorial services.

With all that they’re offering I think they really are a cut above the rest.



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